Sensual massage is for everyone
Sensual massage is an ideal way to strengthen intimacy, connection, and build pleasure. During sensual massage, what starts as gentle touch, builds into a deeper level of arousal and bond with your partner.
One of the most-asked questions in this community is “how can I give my partner a massage like you?”
It’s commonly assumed that I’m trained as a massage therapist, but I’m not. Which is why I know anyone can learn this! A lot of my massage skills have come from practice, but I contribute most of it to intuition. Giving a massage is just as therapeutic for me as it is for Chris. When I’m present, my hands just flow and know what to do.
Settle in, get comfortable, and read on for a tips on giving a mind-blowing and ultra-relaxing, sensual massage. ❤️
Massage Oil
Forever and always until the end of time, I will preach that everyone needs massage oil! I don’t care who you are, how old you are, or how much you think you don’t need it (you’re the ones I’m most suspicious about!😅). Everyone needs a good oil that can be used in foreplay before you begin, for the massage and all the fun that comes after! Oil increases heat transfer, which is one of the most pleasurable parts of human touch. The lubrication also brings fluidity so your hands glide smoothly across the skin, creating a smooth motion that will relax and help you settle into your intuition. A good oil enhances touch, intimacy, and pleasure.
A common mistake is skimping on the oil. For a proper massage, you need more oil than you might for other sexy activities. Which means you definitely want it to be healthy, good for your skin, and feel easy to use. I’ve tried several products and the only recommendation I can make is our massage butter from WE LOVE, and I’ll tell you why. It is the only product in the world that is designed to be used seamlessly between the massage and sex. The ingredients are all organic, and it’s formulated to be safe ON your body as well as IN your body.
Our massage butter is literal magic and you’ll be asking what’s in it. I promise our only secret ingredient is loving energy. 😊
Our Favorite Organic Massage Butter from Common Confidential
Get Comfortable
Strike the balance between feeling sexy and being comfortable, with comfort being the more important. I realize this sounds counter intuitive, but if you’re uncomfortable due to tight inflexible clothing, the experience will be negatively impacted. The most common comfort issues I experience during sensual massage are sore knees from sitting cross legged between Chris’ and sometimes getting cold. To remedy my knees, I put a pillow under them. As for the cold, I try to avoid pants, but an open cardigan, socks, and a space heater does the trick! Sneak some sexy lingerie underneath the sweater and it’s perfect. If the receiver is cold, give them a blanket and cover the half of their body that you aren’t massaging. They also might needs socks. If you’re worried it isn’t sexy enough, remember that your touch and the massage are what’s so sexy. You’ll also enjoy the sexy sensual experience much more if you aren’t focused on how cold your toes are. Studies have actually shown that women have a harder time reaching orgasm when their feet are cold…so just one more reason to consider.
Learn Tantric Massage With Kate
If this is a skill you’ve been dying to try with your partner, Kate’s course is the perfect gateway!
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